about me

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I'm a wife and a mom. I live a crazy busy life but love to spend every free minute with my beautiful daughter. I have recently rediscovered my love for crafting and found a new love for blogging!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble, gobble, cough, cough...

Thanksgiving 2010 was eventful, but not in the tradition, yummy food, family fun kind of way! Cooper started getting a cold last weekend and it just got worse. By Wednesday she was feeling pretty bad, so I stayed home with her. That afternoon as she was waking up from her nap, she had another seizure. We spent the rest of the afternoon at Children's Hospital getting her checked out. Thankfully she was fine. The next few nights were not fun. She was coughing so much that she couldn't sleep. Wes and I took turns sleeping with her so that she could get some rest. He slept with her in the chair in her room because she seemed to do ok as long as she was propped up. I slept in the bed with her but she kept thinking it was play time in the middle of the night! After 3 nights of being up for 3-4 hours (which gave me flash backs of having a newborn) we were all a little moody and ready for a good nights rest!

Cooper still had a fever on Thanksgiving day, so we stayed at home. It was pretty sad not to spend the day with our families. Wes, Cooper & I watched the beginning of the Macy's parade together and then Cooper was ready for a nap.  Nanny & Papa were in Georgia with the Sides', so we weren't going to be able to see them anyway. Nanny did make me some of her famous dressing! This was the first Thanksgiving I can remember that we weren't able to be together and I did not like it at all! Mom, Dad & Brian did come up to our house for dinner. We put together a pretty fantastic last minute dinner!  This was the first time we had ever done the turkey. I tried to tell Wes before hand that you have to pull the nasty stuff out from inside the turkey, but he didn't believe me until he saw it for himself!

After the turkey was prepped, Wes used his new inferred frier to cook it up! The fried turkey was delicious! We also had Nanny's dressing, mom's shoe peg corn casserole, my mash potatoes and Sister Shubert's rolls. For desert, we had mom's yummy pumpkin cheesecake. Cooper was feeling better and dinner was fantastic! It had finally started to feel like Thanksgiving.

Cooper's fever finally subsided by Saturday so we went down to Tuscaloosa to visit with Brian, Barbara, Evan, Meredith, Nanna & Papa Jack! Cooper had so much fun playing with Evan & Meredith. She is really in a copy cat phase, so she would do anything that Meredith & Nanna did. I forgot the camera, so we didn't get any pictures from our visit. We had a great day and we were all glad to be out of the house! I also got some super fabulous things from Nanna to wear to the SRHW tacky Christmas party next weekend!

Today we spent most of the day decorating the outside of our house for Christmas. We added a new touch this year...lights in the trees in our front yard. We only had two trees to do, but it took a while! Wes just kept saying he was glad that we were doing the decorating early so that we could enjoy the lights for a whole month! We are hoping to get our tree and the other inside decorations done next weekend.

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